Varia issue
doi: 10.7592/methis.v6i8
Editors: Jaak Tomberg, Marin Laak
Language editors: Katrin Raid, Tiina Saluvere
Jaak Tomberg, Marin Laak - Foreword
1. Virve Sarapik, Piret Viires - Solitude in Cyberspace: the Individuality of an Author and the Autonomy of a Text
2. Johanna Ross - Option to Choose by Aimée Beekman: On the dynamics of the reception of an unconventional novel
3. Mari-Liis Madisson - On mythological thinking in the representation of the concept two-feet-on-the-ground
4. Ines Piibeleht - The Phenomenon of Fashion
5. Kadi Haamer - Phenomenological study of the actor’s embodiment experience and (physical and mental) presence in the context of postdramatic theatre
6. Aile Tooming - Choices and possibilities: A survey of Uku Masing’s poetry translations
7. Katrin Puik - Verbal irony in the poetry of Heiti Talvik and Betti Alver
8. Elle-Mari Talivee - Between a story and a novel : Elisabeth Aspe’ s town
9. Hent Kalmo - The Estonian Declaration of Sovereignty: An Example of the Civilizing Force of Hypocrisy
Mart Orav - „Otsekui maailm klaasseina taga…” Allikainest Aleksander Aspeli
Gérard Genette - Vraisemblance et motivation
Tiina Kirss - Kultuuritõlge ruudus: Gérard Genette’i „Tõenäolisus ja motivatsioon”
(„Vraisemblance et motivation”)
Tiina Kirss - Romaanist ja rahvusest postkolonialismi diskursuses