The journal publishes academic research on literary and cultural studies as well as on theatre theory.
Article poroposals can be sent to the editor(s) of each particular forthcoming issue; deadlines for contributions are listed at the secton of forthcoming issues.
We kindly ask our contributors to keep the deadlines!
When submitting, we ask you to follow our formatting standards:
- Times New Roman
- line spacing 1,5
- font size 12 pt
Maximum length of the article is 25 standard pages (incl. references).
Please note that the journal is peer-reviewed; articles will be published only in case of positive reviews.
Contributions and suggestions are also welcome for the
following sections:
"Archival finding" - annotated publication of an archival source.
"Mediation of theory" - translation of a theoretical text/text selection of key relevance within the field, accompanied by an introduction to the text.
"Review" - a longer review of recent critical and theoretical developments within the field.
"Manifesto" - a programmatic (theoretical) article
"Interview" - questions and answers on a given
academic topic from an expert or specialist.