Varia issue
doi: 10.7592/methis.v12i15
Complier: Marin Laak
Editors: Kanni Labi, Tiina Saluvere
Marin Laak, Kanni Labi - Saateks | |
1. Mari-Liis Madisson, Andreas Ventsel - The Formation of Groupuscular Identity in the Web Communication of the Estonian Extreme Right | |
2. Irina Belobrovtseva, Aurika Meimre - Interwar Russian Emigration in the Larger World and "Little Estonia" | |
3. Karin Sibul - Oral Interpreting in the Diplomatic Communication of the Estonian Republic 1918-1940 | |
4. Madis Kolk - The Performativity of Sacrality and Christian Theatre | |
5. Rein Heinsalu - Postmodernist Traits in the Performances of Young Estonian Directors 1969-1975 | |
6. Eva Näripea - The Last Relic and Between Three Plagues: On Space in Film Adaptations of Estonian Historical Fiction | |
7. Mari Laaniste - Reframing War for the Nation-state’s Screens | |
8. Maria Mandri - Dialect in the Speech of Characters in A. H. Tammsaare’s Truth and Justice Part I | |
9. Ave Mattheus - A Translation Gem from the Beginnings of Estonian Literature - the First Robinsonade | |
Mediation of Theory
Karl Morgenstern - Kujunemisromaani olemusest. Ettekanne, peetud 12. detsembril 1819 Tartu ülikoolis | |
Liina Lukas - Bildungsroman – veel üks Tartu lisandus romaaniteooriasse | |
Arne Merilai - Tooma rõõmusõnumid | |