Ulla Kadakas

Warlike Protection – Conflicts in Shaping the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage

Klaarika Kaldjärv

Translator as an Invisible Magician: Some Examples of Spanish Literature Translations in the Light of Jüri Talvet’s Translational Thought

Linda Kaljundi
Art, Environment, and Environmentalism in Estonia in the 1960s–1980s – on Some Forgotten Connections and Tendencies


Hent Kalmo

The Estonian Declaration of Sovereignty: An Example of the Civilizing Force of Hypocrisy

Eda Kalmre

Men’s Stories. An Insight into the Tradition of Military Legends

Lauri Kann

Review of Eesti merevägi Vabadussõjas 1918–1920 (The Estonian Navy in the War of Independence 1918–1920) by Arto Oll

Anu Kannike

The Estonian Women’s Movement during the German Occupation 1941–1944: Adaptation and Development

Sille Kapper

Tradition and Mimicry

Sven Karja

Principles for building the repertoire of Estonian theatres in 1986–2006

Kristel Karu-Kletter

The self-image of diaspora Estonians in the changing world

Merle Karusoo

Interview with Merle Karusoo

Kairit Kaur

Totentanz and Graveyard Poetry: about the Baltic German Reception of English Graveyard Poetry

Krista Keedus

Karl Ristikivi’s series of historical novels: a comparison with Dante’s Divine Comedy 

Õnne Kepp

Time in the landscape. Ristikivi’s metaphysical chronotope

Bart Keunen

World Cities and Second Cities: Imagining Growth and Hybridity in Modern Literature (Mediation of Theory) 

Toivo Kikkas

Estonian War Correspondents in the War of Independence


Tanar Kirs

Juhan Liiv's Conception of Poetics  

Jüri Talvet on the Trails of Juhan Liiv

Tiina Kirss


Pegasus and the Wooden Horse: James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Friedebert Tuglas’ Felix Ormusson


Foreword to Mediation of Theory (Harold Bloom)

The Windhover in Youth and Age”: August Kitzberg and the   Founding Texts of Estonian Autobiography

Kultuuritõlge ruudus: Gérard Genette’i „Tõenäolisus ja motivatsioon” („Vraisemblance et motivation”) (Foreword to Mediation of Theory)

Romaanist ja rahvusest postkolonialismi diskursuses (Review)

Writerly Exile: Anguish, Joy, and Worldliness

Saatesõna Edward Saidi essee „Reflections on Exile“ tõlkele (Foreword to Mediation of Theory)

The Twilight of Humanity: Marie Under's Translations of German Expressionist Poetry

Dynamics Across Borders in Literature, Theatre, and the Humanities. (Foreword)

Ilmar Laaban’s (poetic) dialogue with Paul Celan and Nelly Sachs 

Ljubov Kisseljova

 The problem of translating imperial ideology into the language of ethnography

Jüri Kivimäe

In Quest of the Meaning of Young Estonia: Old and New Reflections

Edgaras Klivis

Staging the Nation: the Case of Lithuanian Fin de Siecle Theatre Productions in Foreign Industrial Centers

Madis Kolk

The Performativity of Sacrality and Christian Theatre

Anu Korb
Everyday Life and Memories of War. The Memories of a Woman Born in 1926

Pirkko Koski

How to Popularize Radicality

Igor Kotjuh

The Generation of the 2000s in the Russian Literature of Estonia: Acceptance and Obstacles to Acknowledgement

Janek Kraavi

The Estonian Patient: A Model for the Representation of Illness and the Ill in 19th Century Estonian Culture and Letters

Tiiu Kreegipuu

Party Censorship in Soviet Estonia

Hasso Krull
„In a Work of Art, the Subject Meets the Other“: Ilmar Laaban’s Sense of Music (Foreword to Mediation of theory)

Priit Kruus


The Currency of Youth. The "Young Author" and the "Literary Group" in the 2000s

Piret Kruuspere

The „Golden Section“ of Estonian Theatre History

Life Narratives and Estonian Theatre: The Productions of Merle Karusoo

Interpretations of National History in Estonian Drama and Theatre in the 1970s–1980s

Jaanus Kulli

Bernhard Linde. Leader of the Young Estonian Pack

Leena Kurvet-Käosaar

In a Maze of Concepts: From Autobiography to Life Writing (Foreword)

Foreword to the translation (Philippe Lejeune)

Estonian Life Writing of the 2000s as a Continuity Over the Post-Soviet Period

European Identifications in Post-Soviet Estonian Life Writing

Roosmarii Kurvits

Twenty-five Years Later: Estonian journalists recall Soviet censorship

Külliki Kuusk

The Archaic Figurative System of Uku Masing’s

Ene Kõresaar

Private and Public in the Soviet Era: The Example of a Mid-Level Manager’s Life Story

Anneli Kõvamees

The Construction of Italy in Soviet Travelogues

Travelogues of the 2000s: Views of the Self about the World

Taboos and Rules. Insights into Prison Camp Novels by Estonian Writers

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