Ilmar Laaban

Music, Society, Revolution. Perspective Sketch on a Current Discussion (Mediation of theory)

Marin Laak

The Role of Young Estonia in Estonian Literary and Cultural History (Foreword)



Eksiilkirjanduse pingeväljadest tekstide ja kontekstide kaudu (Foreword)

Literary contacts through the iron curtain


The Rhisomes of Kalevipoeg: Literary Interpretation of the Estonian National Epic by Jüri Talvet


Dynamics Across Borders in Literature, Theatre, and the Humanities. 


Literature and Digital Technology
The Challenges of Digital Culture. Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Research and Education (Foreword)

Digital literary heritage projects as a source of language resources: a case of Estonian criticism in KORP

Mari Laaniste

Reframing War for the Nation-state’s Screens

Andrus Laansalu

The Ecstatic Reconstruction of the Writing System Machine (Varia)

Kanni Labi

Estonian Patriotic Songs and the Occupational Regime – Nostalgia, Utopia and Reality



Liisi Laineste

Anne Lange

Maria Tymoczko angažeeritud tõlketeadus (Foreword to Mediation of Theory)

On the Poetics of Translation

Pille-Riin Larm

From Master to Epigone, from Epigone to Ikon: On the Reception of Jakob Liiv’s Poetry

National Awakening , Young Estonia and Something In Between. Problems of Estonian Literary History in the Example of Juhan Kunder

Raili Lass

Stanislavsky System as a Tool for a Drama Translator


Anne-Marie Le Baillif

Evil and its Double

Larissa Leiminger

Issues of Access and Context of Archival Materials: Explorative Database of the Manuscript Collection of the Learned Estonian Society

Philippe Lejeune

Le Pacte Autobiographique (Foreword to Mediation)

Tanel Lepsoo

Representation, presentation and presence in theatre (Foreword)

Witnessing and Renewal of Drama. The Theatre Theory of Jean-Pierre Sarrazac  (Foreword to Mediation of Theory)

Interview with Merle Karusoo 

Passion Performative: Reading Cocteau with Proust and Derrida

Vēsma Lēvalde
The Director as Translator: The Case of Latvian Director Oļģerts Kroders  

Airi Liimets

Research on the Lifestyles of School Students in Soviet Estonia  

Enn Koemets’ letters to Heino Liimets 1942–1963 or how scientists are raised (Foreword to Archival Finding)

Olev Liivik

From Opposition to Protests: Fighting against Phosphorite Mining in Estonia in the 1970s and 1980s

Kati Lindström

Environmental Humanities: On the Development of a Research Speciality through the Lens of Major Conferences (Varia)


Mihhail Lotman

Verse and prose  (Mediation of Theory)

Retsensioon Vjatšeslav Ivanovi LKEsse esitatud artiklile „Poeetika“ (Archival Finding)

Maria-Kristiina Lotman

Ancient Meters in Estonian Translations at the End of the 19th Century – the First Half of the 20th Century


Some Notes on One Review by Juri Lotman and Encyclopedias of The Soviet Period   (Foreword to Archival Finding)

Jaan Bergmann’s mock-epic Jaaniida: text, context and intertext

( Foreword to Archival Finding)

Rebekka Lotman

Jaan Bergmann’s mock-epic Jaaniida: text, context and intertext 

( Foreword to Archival Finding)

Liina Lukas

Young Estonia and German Literature

Bildungsroman (Foreword to Archival Finding)


Conceptualizations of World Literature in Estonia and Elsewhere

Erich Auerbach’s Philology of World Literature  (Foreword to Mediation of Theory)

Leo Luks

The Sublime „No” in Kivisildnik’s Poetry: A Way of Reading

The possibility of overman in the context of digitalised life

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