Jaan Laas Teadus diktatuuri kütkeis. Eesti teadusest ja
kõrgharidusest natsionaalsotsialistliku ja sovetliku teaduspoliitika raames.
Epikriis (Tallinn: Argo, 2010) (Review)
Maaris Raudsepp
Representation, presentation and presence in theatre (Foreword)
Heli Reimann
The dynamics of the private and the public in Estonian jazz culture of the late Stalinist era
Taavi Remmel
Atko Remmel
Tõlkeloo arvukad dimensioonid (Review)
Ieva Rodiņa
Blurring the Borders between Life and Theatre in the Stage Directing of Vladislavs Nastavševs
Liina-Ly Roos
Triin Roosalu
Option to Choose by Aimée Beekman: On the dynamics of the reception of an unconventional novel
Soviet or Anti-Soviet? Once more on the nature, meaning, and function of 'everyday literature'
Kristiina Ross
Translations of the New Testament by Heinrich Stahl und Johannes Gutslaff
Jaak Rähesoo
Building in the Daytime, Demolishing at Night
Liisi Rünkla
On Laughter, Truthfulness, and Hooliganism as Unfolded in the Writings of Jüri Üdi
Dorota Rygiel
Neither Eastern nor Western: Cultural Hybrids in Modern British-Asian Fiction