Special issue on poetics
doi: 10.7592/methis.v13i16
Compilers: Arne Merilai, Maria-Kristiina Lotman
Editor: Kanni Labi
Table of Contents
Arne Merilai, Maria-Kristiina Lotman- Parallelistlik poeetika PDF
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1. Urmas Nõmmik - Ancient Hebrew Poetry: An Introduction to Its Poetology | |
2. Mari Sarv - Once more on the parallelism of runosong, on the poetical synonymy and analogy | |
3. Janika Päll - Humanist Greek and Neo-Latin poetry in Early Modern Tallinn and Tartu | |
4. Tanar Kirs - Juhan Liiv's Conception of Poetics | |
5. Michelle Mueller - Parallelism as Repetition: A Case Study of Betti Alver’s Elu on alles uus and Jälle ja jälle | |
6. Külliki Kuusk - The Archaic Figurative System of Uku Masing’s | |
7. Jaak Tomberg - The Ambivalent Poetics of Showing in J. G. Ballard's „Crash“ | |
8. Anne Lange, Miriam McIlfatrick-Ksenofontov - On the Poetics of Translation | |
Mediation of Theory
Juri Lotman - Värss ja proosa | |
tlk Maria-Kristiina Lotman |
Archival Find
Kristi Viiding - Non tibi per ventos veneranda Poëtica crescit... Johannes Hörnick ja humanistlik poeetikakäsitlus varauusaegses Eestis |